Monday, December 29, 2008


Another great part of this Christmas season along with the birth of Josh was the two phone calls we received from Spencer. He left the MTC on December 22 and arrived in New York City at 3:00pm. He was able to call and had a 300 minute calling card. So not only did Greg and I get to talk to him, but he got to talk to Derek, Nathan and Lindsay. It was great and he was so excited to be heading for Argentina at 10:00pm that night (that made a 7 hour layover in New York). He arrived in Argentina the following day around 2:00 pm. Our next phone call was on Christmas Day. Argentina is about 5 hours time different from us and two seasons away from us! It is the hottest time of the year there. The missionaries were calling home from the bishop's office with their calling cards and were loving it because the office is air-conditioned. (Most places do not have air conditioning including the chapel which has several ceiling fans.) Anyway, he sounded so excited to be there and on Christmas Eve they had actually done some tracting and talked to several people and he was able to bear his testimony in spanish to a lady. We are anxiously awaiting our first e-mail from him. Here is the e-mail address to use to communicate with him now:
His p-day is Tuesday. That is when he can read and respond to e-mail. I'm sure he would appreciate an e-mail from y'all from time to time!!


Katina Angola said...

AAAAh, you made me miss South America.